
MSc Physics With Nanophotonics

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Deepen your knowledge of nanophotonics to prepare for a research career within a university or national laboratory

This MSc in Physics stream focuses on the area where nanotechnology and photonics meet, delivering the manipulation and control of light on the nanoscale, and training you in an exciting new field.

Nanophotonics is a stream within our MSc in Physics which is where the science and technology of nanotechnology and photonics meet, delivering the manipulation and control of light on the nanoscale.

This new field has already lead to exciting phenomenon such as negative refractive index materials and ‘cloaking’, and is the driving force behind many new applications in areas ranging from telecommunications and computing to green energy and healthcare.

Topics covered by the course include:

The fundamental concepts of imaging light and optical systems

General concepts of Plasmonics and Metamaterials

Plasmonics for surface enhanced spectroscopies, photovoltaics and non-linear optics

Negative refractive index materials and transformation optics

Quantum Metamaterials

With nanophotonics at the forefront of both research and new industrial applications, students from this course will be trained in a field that is likely to grow as new start-ups and established companies employ nanophotonics in their business.

Entry Requirements

Our minimum requirement is a first-class degree in physics, with strong mathematical content.

Other scientific disciplines with significant physics and mathematical content are also accepted.

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