
PG Cert Palliative Care (Distance Learning)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCert 5 years part time online

Masters Degree Description

The online Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care is designed to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence to care for patients who have life limiting illnesses and their families.

The course is designed for a variety of registered adult healthcare professionals within primary and secondary care. It will contribute to and enhance your abilities to lead and drive clinically-effective care with patients with advanced disease.

You will develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the issues within palliative care, examining the key legal, clinical, ethical and social issues, and how these translate into practice.

This distance learning course, which combines excellent resources and support from course leaders, allows you to combine both study and professional commitments. You have the option to study one module or a combination all three modules over one to five years.

We also offer a short online course in paediatric palliative care.

Entry Requirements

An Honours degree or equivalent. Applications from individuals with evidence of ongoing professional development will also be considered through the accreditation of prior learning (APL)/ accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL) mechanism.

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Information on tuition fees is available on our Home and EU/International fees pages.

Student Destinations

The Postgraduate Certificate Palliative Care course will enable students to demonstrate clear evidence of ongoing professional development in line with national strategic plans.

Module Details

  • Nature and Scope of Palliative Care: Specific issues pertinent to the delivery of effective palliative care – 20 credits
  • Therapeutic Management of Life Limiting Illness in Palliative Care: Assessment and management of complex symptoms – 20 credits
  • End of Life Care: Role of the professional in the care of an individual at the end of life, including perspectives from the individual and family – 20 credits

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