
MSc Nursing: Advancing Professional Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time, 2-3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Advancing nursing knowledge, skills and attributes are essential to underpin professional practice. The MSc Nursing: Advancing Professional Practice provides registered nurses with an educational platform for career development by undertaking focused study on advancing their clinical knowledge, skills and attributes within specific areas of practice.

This programme recognises the ever-changing complexity of care and offers a range of flexible and elective study options, which are educationally responsive to changing direction of UK policy.

Entry Requirements

UK honours degree 2:2 or equivalent. Must be a registered nurse.

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Please see our website for fee information

Programme Funding

We provide high-quality education for a fair price; as the University for the Common Good, we are committed to offering accessible higher education for talented students by keeping our tuition fees low and providing a generous scholarship package of over £2.5 million per year.

View our Postgraduate scholarships.

Student Destinations

The programme will give you the skills and experience you need to develop your career and to act as a leader and innovator in the field of advanced nursing. This academic award will enhance your employability for opportunities in a number of roles, including advanced nurse practitioners, clinical specialists, nurse educators and researchers.

Module Details

Within the programme, there are four possible optional study pathways for you to choose from: Advancing Clinical Nursing Practice; Applied Public Health in a Global Context; Flexible Pathway: selection across range of modules on offer.

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