  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time, 16 months full-time (January intake), 2-3 distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Study options available in Glasgow, London or distance learning.

As organisations face a growing number of global and strategic challenges, and the need for responsible leadership, good governance and ethical behaviour continues to rise, highly qualified risk management professionals find themselves in great demand.

Glasgow Caledonian University’s MSc Risk Management explores strategic and operational risk in the context of wider organisational resilience. This research-led postgraduate programme is available to study in either full time mode; as part of our thriving international community based on campus or distance learning mode; benefiting from our full support at a time and place that suits you.

Entry Requirements

UK honours degree 2:2 (or equivalent). Fast-track option available with the Institute of Risk Management’s International Diploma in Risk Management.

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Tuition fees 2019/20 Home: £5,500 RUK: £5,500 EU: £5,500 International: £12,980

Module Details

You will develop:

  • the ability to engage critically with contemporary theoretical concepts, strategies, policies and practices of risk management
  • skills to apply the knowledge, approaches and methods to address operational and strategic risk management challenges in an international context;
  • a theoretical and practical understanding of real world issues, from an international perspective, identifying responsible decision making and ethically driven behaviours;
  • a critical understanding of research techniques and methodologies and apply these to an independent research project relating to an appropriate topic;
  • personal and transferable skills related to independent research, problem solving, critical thinking, group working, ICT, employability skills and inter-personal communication.

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