  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Working with imaging physicists and biomedical NHS collaborators and using industry-standard equipment such as MRI scanners, you will learn how medical imaging techniques play a role in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring disease. This course is ideal for those working in the industry and looking to upskill.

Focusing on modern medical imaging research, you will gain specialist knowledge through taught modules before carrying out an extended research project of your choice. This master’s is a great way to enhance your career.

You will develop the ability to plan and execute a research project and effectively communicate your findings articulately and professionally. Work closely with a dedicated academic team who are all active researchers in their own right and who regularly publish in top physics journals.

The MRes Medical Imaging course provides a grounding in the science that underpins a range of both medical-relevant and non-medical imaging techniques. Please note that this course is not clinical or vocational and it does not provide work-based placements or advanced professional training in radiography.

Entry Requirements

  • You will need a UK honours degree (minimum 2.2) from a range of physics-based degrees, engineering or related disciplines.
  • Applicants with relevant employment experience will also be considered.

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Programme Funding

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies. We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Student Destinations

This Medical Imaging Masters course provides a solid base for a career as a scientist or engineer in a range of industries reliant upon imaging. This includes:

  • healthcare
  • medical instrumentation
  • medical related software industries

This course also provides a basis for further study towards PhD research or for training as a clinical / hospital scientist.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Medical Imaging (20 cp)
  • Professional Physicist (20 cp)
  • Research project (120 cp)

Optional module (choose one):

  • Imaging Matter: From Atoms to Galaxies (20 cp)
  • Current Topics in Physics (20 cp)
  • Science Communication (20 cp)
  • Business and Enterprise (20 cp)

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