  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time, 16 months full-time (January intake)

Masters Degree Description

Transparent, global and technology-driven marketing is on every organisation’s checklist for success and top marketing practitioners need new skills in order to continue to deliver in increasingly competitive environments.

We believe in the importance of becoming responsible decision-makers in business. At Glasgow Caledonian University you’ll further develop your knowledge and experience of the concepts of sustainability, ethical leadership and social responsibility that can bring about positive change in the global world of marketing.

Join GCU’s award-winning Glasgow School for Business and Society and immerse yourself in the latest digital and international marketing trends and become the positive influence that employers have come to expect from graduates of GCU.

Entry Requirements

UK honours degree 2:2 (or equivalent) in any subject area.

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Please see our website for fee information

Programme Funding

We provide high-quality education for a fair price; as the University for the Common Good, we are committed to offering accessible higher education for talented students by keeping our tuition fees low and providing a generous scholarship package of over £2.5 million per year.

View our Postgraduate scholarships.

Student Destinations

Graduates of the masters programme will enhance their profile by developing the latest marketing knowledge and skills needed to progress their careers within organisations operating in business, consumer and third sector markets.

GCU marketing graduates have been employed around the world in a variety of positions, with employers including: PepsiCo, Hewlett Packard, Visit Scotland, Virgin Media, Duracell and Three.

Module Details

Consumer Behaviour
Digital Analytics
Digital Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications
International Marketing Planning and Strategy
Strategic Brand Management
Ethics, Governance and Responsible Leadership
Applied Professional Practice
Masters Research Project

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