This International Marine Science course offers students with a background in marine biology, geology or geography the opportunity to integrate their expertise in the wider marine science context.
The highly interdisciplinary field of Marine Science aims to understand the biology, chemistry, geology and physics of this dynamic system so central to all our lives. It also considers the overarching influence of climate change and how policy can be brought to bear on managing the resources of the ocean as part of the Blue Economy.
The course has three mandatory courses in Oceanography, Applied Research Design and Analysis, and GIS for Marine and Environmental Scientists, and offers a wide variety of options with maximum flexibility, allowing students to pursue their studies according to their academic interests.
Masters (MSc) level entry applicants must have one of the following:
See our website for fees
Applied Research Design and Analysis
Optional (choose two)
Environmental Processes
Climate Change, Sustainability and Adaptation
Introduction to Marine Planning
Marine Renewable Energy Technology
Marine Resources and Sustainability
Diversity of Marine Organisms
Marine Ecotoxicology
Transition Engineering - Achieving zero carbon InTIME
GIS for Marine and Environmental Scientists
Optional (choose three)
Marine Biotechnology
Environmental Evidence Synthesis
Tropical and Coral Reefs: Monitoring and Management
Marine Environmental Monitoring
Energy Transition Lab
Practical Skills in Marine Biotechnology
Renewable Technology Commercialisation
Practical Skills in Marine Surveying
Environment Dissertation (MSc students only)
This research project allows you to focus on a specific area of interest, with opportunities to collaborate with businesses and other stakeholders. You choose your dissertation subject, in discussion with your supervisor.
Introduces the fundamentals of oceanography, providing an essential foundation at the beginning of the course for students who either do not have a background in the subject area, or whose background is largely limited to marine biology.
Applied Research Design and Analysis
Enables the student to effectively plan and design research and survey projects, devise a sound experimental design, and analyse and present data in a rigorous scientific manner. In particular, students will gain an understanding of the theoretical basis of scientific method and training in the general skills needed for planning a scientific research project. Students will learn about scientific method, experimental design, testing hypothesis, simple data analyses and data presentation, and the legal and ethical principles involved in scientific research. Students will also develop skills in simple quantitative statistical methods needed for research projects.
GIS for Marine and Environmental Scientists
Aims to provide students with a substantial introduction to geographical information systems so that you will be able to understand the theoretical background to GIS and be able to make practical use of a widely used GIS program.
Masters study opportunities at Heriot-Watt University Imagine the answer The world is at a crossroads, with the planet and its species facing a range...