
MSc Health and International Development

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full-time, 24-28 months part-time

Course Description

Explore multi-disciplinary evidence on major global health issues and their interconnections with international development trends and policies.

Entry Requirements

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

The School recognises that the cost of living in London may be higher than in your home town or country, and we provide generous scholarships each year to home and overseas students.

This programme is eligible for needs-based awards from LSE, including the Graduate Support Scheme, Master’s Awards, and Anniversary Scholarships.

LSE is delighted to offer Wellcome Award for the academic year 2024/25 for this programme. The scholarship is available to all students applying to this programme. Deadline: 25 April 2024.

Find more information about the Wellcome Award

Student Destinations

Students in the Department come from a wide range of international and professional backgrounds. Graduates from the Department of International Development go on to work for a wide range of employers including NGOs, INGOs, government, the private sector and research institutions.

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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