  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MSc is a uniquely broad and flexible programme that suits students’ aspirations, background and experience. UCL Earth Sciences has strengths in geophysics, geochemistry, palaeobiology, mineral physics, geodynamics, geohazards, climate science, environmental geosciences and policy, and other areas. Students choose from a wide range of optional modules from within the department and more widely across UCL, building an MSc tailored to their interests.

The programme aims to integrate theoretical studies with essential practical skills in the Earth sciences, both in the field and in the laboratory. Students develop the ability to work on group projects, prepare written reports, acquire oral skills and gain training in the methods of scientific research.

Who this course is for

The MSc in Geosciences is aimed at students who have studied Earth sciences, physical geography, or fundamental sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. at undergraduate level. The programme is broad and modular, including a small number of compulsory modules and a larger number of options. By selecting particular options, and also choosing the topic of the research dissertation, the student is able to tailor the MSc program to their specific needs and aspirations. The programme is suitable for students with a background in geology, geophysics, physical geography or a relevant discipline who want to prepare for research in the Earth sciences and for entry into a PhD programme.

Entry Requirements

Normally a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Applicants whose qualifications are of lower second class honours standard may be admitted if evidence of an adequate academic background and appropriate field experience can be shown.

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Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

We have excellent relations with many employers in diverse aspects of the Earth sciences and students are actively guided towards preparation for their future careers. You will develop transferable skills in critical analysis of quantitative and qualitative information, problem-solving and lateral thinking, research and data collection analysis and interpretation, and in presenting your results to non-specialists.

The majority of our graduates go on to PhD research or professional careers that often incorporate geological expertise (hydrocarbons, water and mineral extraction and management; museums and curation, higher education, environmental assessment and management; civil engineering, etc.). However, our graduates find employment across a wide range of professions including management, the financial sector, scientific journalism, and teaching.


The MSc in geosciences has a very successful track record in terms of postgraduate employment at professional level. In recent years approximately one third of our graduates achieve employment in Geoscience-related industries, such as environment consultancies, one third obtain PhD positions within the Earth sciences or related fields, and approximately one third go into non-Earth sciences professions such as journalism and teaching.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  •  Research Proposal
  •  Earth and Planetary System Science
  •  MSc Geoscience: Dissertation
  •  Research Methods and Skills

Optional modules

  •  Ocean Physics and Climate Change
  •  Crustal Dynamics, Mountain Building and Basin Evolution
  •  Earth Resources and Sustainability
  •  Earth and Planetary Materials
  •  Environmental Geochemistry
  •  Geology for Sustainable Resource Management and Energy Transition
  •  Advanced Biodiversity and Macroevolutionary Studies
  •  Physical Volcanology and Volcanic Hazard
  •  Tectonic Geomorphology
  •  Palaeoceanography
  •  Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Change
  •  Deep Earth and Planetary Modelling
  •  Origin of Life and Exobiology
  •  Statistics for Geoscientists
  •  Geological, Geotechnical & Hydro-meteorological Hazards
  •  Meteorological and Hydrogeological Hazards
  •  The Science Policy and Ethics of Climate Intervention
  •  Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observations (AI4EO)

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