Delivered in outstanding specialist facilities that provide a creative environment in which to explore and experiment, Solent's MA Fine Art is taught entirely by artists who are highly experienced experts in the field.
The course aims to develop students' fine art practice to the highest professional standard to enable immediate entry into the creative industries. By supporting technical excellence and skills training alongside a thoughtful and critically engaged approach to art making, Solent's Fine Art master's degree facilitates considered debate surrounding contemporary art practice across the disciplines of painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, photography, conceptual art and performance.
As a student on the Fine Art master's degree, you will also be part of the Solent postgraduate community. This offers a wide range of opportunities to enrich your work with input from tutors and students from other disciplines.
2:2 or higher, or relevant industry experience
Applicants should have previously studied a creative subject.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
Our graduates and alumni are an active community. They take part in exhibitions and participate in residency programmes, as well as practice in the community. Our creative graduates are regularly featured in alumni exhibitions and have opportunities to access next steps through professional mentoring schemes from our partner art organisations within the city.
Core modules
Overview Southampton Solent University is a Teaching Excellence Framework triple Gold higher education institution based in the south of England, whi...