The Engineering Management MSc seeks to prepare you to be a successful senior manager for engineering companies operating in highly competitive international environments.
The course incorporates three alternative pathways, allowing you to select a route that is clearly focused on your anticipated or current career path in a manufacturing company. The selection of one of the three pathways adds specific career-focused content to the core modules.
Successful completion of the Engineering Management MSc can provide you with a route into senior management in a broad range of careers in the manufacturing, service, and government sectors, as well as start-up companies in functions such as operations management, logistics and supply chain management, engineering research and development and project management.
An applicant for the programme will normally be expected to possess at least one of the following:
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
Funding opportunities including scholarships available
This master’s course can provide you with a route into senior management in a broad range of careers in the manufacturing, service and government sectors, as well as start-up companies in functions such as operations management, logistics and supply chain management, engineering research and development and project management.
The majority of students on the course have been international, and according to the 2017 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey organised by the Higher Education Academy, the two most popular reasons for undertaking a Masters are to enhance career progress (58%), and to improve employment prospects (54%).
Coventry University is committed to preparing you for your future career and giving you a competitive edge in the graduate job market. The university’s Talent Team provide a wide range of support services to help you plan and prepare for your career.
With work placement pathway
The ‘With work placement’ opportunity2 enables you to apply in semester 1 for an optional work placement of up to 12 months, extending the duration of your master’s to 24 months. The placement provides an opportunity for you to develop expertise and experience in your chosen field with the aim of enhancing your employability upon graduation. The work placement would take place in semesters 3, 4 and 5.
Masters and Taught Courses at Coventry University Introduction Coventry University is a provider of world-class teaching, learning and impactful rese...