
MEd Educational Leadership (part-time)

  • DeadlineStudy Details: 3 Years Part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MEd course is essential for all professionals working in an educational setting who want to move into a senior leadership post, whether working as a teacher or in a similar developmental role.

We will help you reflect critically on your professional development and your current practice, and you will be introduced to research methodology. You will also study the concept of leadership and its role within strategic development, organisational learning and communities of practice.

You can tailor the educational experience to suit your own circumstances, working entirely online, at your own pace, and taking a break from studies if needed. You can choose to study for the full Master of Education award, or you can exit early with a PG Certificate or PG Diploma.

Most of the learning will build on your previous training and is based around your work experience. You do not need to be currently employed to study this course, as long as you have the relevant experience.

Entry Requirements

Degree and relevant work experience. Applicants should ideally be able to undertake work related to a programme specialism in their workplace setting or other appropriate agency.

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