The MSc DNA Profiling is a Forensic Science Society UK (FSSoc) accredited course that aims to instruct in current concepts in molecular biology techniques and laboratory management as applied in the field of Forensic DNA Profiling.
The various interpretational skills taught in the course follow International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) and SWGDAM guidelines.
The course syllabus exceeds the recommendation of the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) USA for the educational requirements for a DNA laboratory technical leader.
Intellectually challenging and highly rewarding, the MSc provides excellent hands-on practical learning in various laboratory techniques.
It also builds the capabilities to plan and execute a research project. You’ll be well prepared for the forensic DNA profiling sector, including relevant areas like molecular biology, genetics and population genetics.
Specific entry requirements for this course are a 2.2 degree in a related field or equivalent professional experience in the discipline.
Please see website for feed details
Semester 1