  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 2 years full-time

Masters Degree Description

The Dietetics and Nutrition MSc is an intensive course suitable for graduates with a scientific background wishing to pursue a career as a dietitian.

Dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition related problems at an individual and wider public health level. Dietitians use the most up-to-date public health and scientific research on food, health and disease, which they translate into practical guidance to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices. (Ref: Role of Dietitians)

The course provides teaching and learning in food, nutrition, dietetics and relevant disease aetiology, pathology and management. Additionally, clinical skills, research skills and public health are embedded in the course.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of an upper-second class (2:1) honours degree in life science subjects.

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Student Destinations

The Dietetics and Nutrition MSc will provide dietetic graduates with core knowledge and skills to enable individuals to work in a wide variety of areas such as public health and health promotion, the management of nutrition related disease and/or disease related malnutrition and in primary care managing dietary needs in long term health conditions.

Dietitians work as part of a team to manage the health and nutritional needs of individuals, communities and populations. Graduating from MSc Dietetics and Nutrition is the start of lifelong learning and an exciting and varied career in nutrition, health and disease management.

Module Details

Year 1 modules include:

Assessment of Nutritional Status (core, 20 credits)
Human Nutrition Dissertation (core, 60 credits)
Integrated Pathology for Dietitians (core, 20 credits)
Nutrition, Food Science and Catering (core, 20 credits)
Post Graduate Dietetic Practice Preparation (core, 0 credits)
Postgraduate Clinical Dietetics 1 (core, 20 credits)
Postgraduate Clinical Dietetics 2 (core, 20 credits)
Practice Based Learning 1 (Dietitians) (core, 0 credits)

If your degree does not contain sufficient biochemistry, you could take the following module:

BM7103 Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry

If your degree does not contain sufficient cell biology you could take the following module:

BM7111 Introduction to Cell Biology

If your degree does not contain sufficient anatomy and physiology you could take the following module:

BM7110 Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Disease

If your degree does not contain sufficient microbiology you could take the following module:

BM7105 – Introduction to General Microbiology

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