This course produces data analysts with a focused specialism in data science, underpinned by formal training in advanced statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. As a graduate of this course, you'll be appropriately equipped to make significant contributions to your career and society as a whole.
The course builds upon your existing skills in mathematics and statistics (linear algebra, probability, statistics, coding) by developing advanced training in the field of data science. It encompasses a range of specialised domains such as temporal and data analytics and machine learning, fully underpinned by significant coding exposure. Interweaved across modules, the course harnesses three integrated strands that develop statistical, machine learning and computational thinking, with the seamless integration of these areas making graduates very attractive to employers.
You'll develop the technical skills needed to critically analyse, mine, and manage different kinds of data in order to learn, discover and interpret interesting patterns. You'll benefit and learn from our institutional expertise in statistics and machine learning.
2:2 or equivalent undergraduate degree in Mathematics or in a subject with a substantial mathematical component
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
Data scientists are in high demand across many industries, and this course will prepare graduates for work as technical experts in the statistical and computational tools underpinning industrial applications. A focus on employability will be built into many of the modules, with contributions from employers and real-world problems motivating much of the theory. In addition, we will develop Applied Industrial Data Science projects to expose students to work.
Career opportunities:
For module information for this course please visit –
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