  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Part Time: 2 years, Full Time: 1 year.

Masters Degree Description

Curation is a rapidly expanding field across the cultural and creative sector. Based in our international art gallery and museum, MIMA (Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art), this professionally focused course covers the advanced practical and intellectual requirements of a curator including collections, commissioning, interpretation, engagement, project management and critical theoretical contexts.

You explore:

  • collection development, management (including acquisitions and loans), and historical and contemporary relevance
  • research, development and project management of new exhibitions, and curatorial projects and commissioning artists
  • interpretation, learning and audience development including digital methodologies
  • specialist sector networks and future-proofing your career as a curator.

This course begins by developing your practice across key issues and economic, social and cultural landscapes including decolonisation, diversity and inclusion, place-making and sustainability. You then move onto developing advanced curatorial skills as part of your current employment, providing you with a comprehensive and critical understanding of professional practice, and preparing you for future challenges within the cultural and creative industries.

Developed and delivered in partnership with key stakeholders from the sector and led by established curators from MIMA, this course is embedded in the MIMA programme, allowing you to contribute to a range of events, projects and exhibitions.

Entry Requirements

A good undergraduate degree from either a humanities or arts discipline, relevant experience or equivalent qualifications. Applicants are normally interviewed and are required to present a portfolio of work. For general information please see our overview of entry requirement.

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Student Destinations

You are prepared for a career in curating across the cultural and creative industries including visual arts, museums and heritage, programming and creating projects across media, design, performance, fashion, festivals and cross art forms. Curators are increasingly sought by sectors such as teaching, academia, health and the environment, to improve public engagement and communications. Curators have an increasingly vital role in interpretating and selecting content across many areas and managing creative relationships of all kinds, it is a future facing career choice that is exploding and the government has labelled a priority through its apprenticeship scheme.

Module Details

Core modules

Curating Collections and Access

Global Critical Contexts

Major Project: Curatorial Practice

Modules offered may vary.

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