The MRes in Criminology (Social Statistics) provides students with a thorough grounding in research methods, as well as the tools to collect and analyse advanced quantitative statistical data, with a focus on criminological research, theory, policy and practice.
Combining criminology and social statistics teaching from research-active staff in the School of Law and the School of Social Sciences, this course encourages students to critically examine the theoretical foundations that underpin applied criminological and sociological research and give you an advanced understanding of social statistics. Students will develop a critical understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods and their application, as well as specialist knowledge of the issues within contemporary criminological and criminal justice debates.
A minimum Upper Second class honours degree, or the overseas equivalent, at undergraduate level, in a relevant social science discipline, and must have completed a quantitative research methods course unit and have studied criminological and/or sociological theory at undergraduate level or above.
The University of Manchester is a centre of teaching excellence, world-class research, outstanding student experience, and social responsibility. Part...