  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Course Description

Creative Writing is one of the longest established postgraduate courses of its kind in the UK, with a strong record of publication and related industry success by its graduates, and close links to publishers and the writing industries. Designed for talented, committed writers, the course is taught by a team of award-winning, widely-published tutor-writers, all at the forefront of screenwriting, fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.

You will be joining a lively community of writers and industry professionals, where you will have the opportunity to develop your work. You will receive considerable tutor and peer support in specialisms you will select from a variety of genres, including fiction, poetry, children’s and young adult fiction, and writing for stage, radio and screen. You will also engage with a wide range of industry professionals, and have the opportunity to develop projects, while working in one of England’s four UNESCO Cities of Literature.

Entry Requirements

  • A good honours degree (minimum 2.2); applications are primarily assessed on the quality of the writing sample and statement.
  • Submit a 3000-word creative writing sample, OR c. 100 lines of poetry, OR an equivalent mixture of poetry and prose/script.
  • Evidence in a personal statement of a commitment to writing.

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Student Destinations

The unique flexibility of the course enables students to work in a variety of genres including fiction, poetry, children’s and young adult fiction, writing for radio, stage and screen, and creative non-fiction. Advice on getting published and lectures on the writing industry are incorporated into the structure of the course, and there are opportunities to meet publishers, editors and agents. Students are encouraged to build strong links with Nottingham’s thriving literature community and are invited to participate in local events, readings and festivals.

Every year our students produce and publish their own high-quality anthology of original creative writing. This gives students invaluable insight into the editorial and publishing industry, as well as introduces their work to a wider public.

Graduates from this course have included many highly successful published authors across a wide range of genres, such as Kim Slater, Hilary Spiers, Stephan Collishaw, Maria Allen, Di Slaney, and Nicola Monaghan.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Writing: Research Methods, Theory and Practice (40 credit points)
  • Dissertation (60 credit points)

Optional modules

You will also choose two of the following 40 credit optional modules*:

  • fiction;
  • poetry;
  • writing for radio, stage and screen; and
  • children’s and young adult fiction.

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