Our MA in Creative Writing, available full-time and part-time, will help you to bring a novel, book of poems, book of short stories or work of non-fiction as near to publishable quality as possible. Full-time students take the course in one year; part-time students in two.
Working with tutors and other writers on the course, you’ll develop your writing and build up a substantial body of work. Weekly workshops are taught by a strong team of published writers, and there are regular visits by literary agents, publishers, magazine editors and broadcasters, as well as other writers.
We offer places on the course on the basis of your portfolio of creative writing and an interview, which for overseas applicants may be virtual or by telephone. We are looking for writers of prose fiction (any genre), poetry or literary non-fiction whom we consider to have the potential to publish their work in the near future.
The portfolio you provide should consist of no more than twenty pages of prose fiction, poetry or literary non-fiction, or a combination of these. It is most helpful if the portfolio includes the kind of writing you wish to develop on the course.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
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Masters study opportunities at Bath Spa University At Bath Spa University we champion your ambitions. We want you to feel empowered, explore ideas, e...