  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MEd: 36 months part-time. PgDip: 24 months part-time

Course Description

This programme is designed for current and aspiring leaders and managers in childhood practice who have, or are willing, to undertake a practitioner qualification. It provides a practice-based examination of the theoretical approaches important to leadership and management within childhood practice.

  • On successful completion of the diploma you will be given the opportunity to progress to masters and undertake the dissertation element.
  • You will gain experience of relevant theoretical approaches which will develop an understanding of the leadership and management in childhood practice.
  • The programme will also develop research, writing and professional skills which will enable practitioners to register with Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) at a manager level.
  • You will review your own work experiences and use the findings to set your professional development targets within the programme.

Entry Requirements

An ordinary degree in any academic discipline. You should also have completed or be prepared to undertake a practice qualification: HNC, SVQ3, SVQ4 (in Children’s Care, Learning and Development or Playwork) or an equivalent professional qualification that allows you to register with a professional body (RCN/GTCs etc). If you do not meet these requirements but are currently working in a childcare setting and hold a degree, you can apply with the understanding that you must complete a practice qualification before graduation from the University. You will be expected to undertake placement based assignments. You will also be required to provide an employer’s reference.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

If you have a leadership role in a childhood practice settings (or are looking for such a role) the programme will enhance your personal and professional development. The MEd in Childhood Practice and Leadership helps support pedagogical leadership and systems leadership allowing those who work in childhood practice to develop their skills and knowledge and career prospects within the service.

Module Details

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