
MA Arts Management And Heritage Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time 24 months part time

Course Description

In the Arts Management and Heritage Studies MA you'll develop your understanding of the changing political, policy and practice contexts within which the arts and heritage sectors operate today, building a strong foundation to become a leader in the field.

You'll explore the nature of heritage and how meanings of objects, artworks and buildings change in different contexts. You'll examine the challenges faced by arts managers and cultural leaders, and the changes that have led some museums to move towards the role of the ‘manager’ rather than the ‘curator’.

A wide range of optional modules allow you to tailor your Masters to your interests or career plans – including the opportunity to undertake a work placement or consultancy project role in either arts management or heritage. Previous students have undertaken placements focused on collections, digitisation work, digital interpretation and community engagement.

If you’re considering a career in this sector, or if you are currently working as a professional, this Masters course will develop your knowledge, understanding and practical experience, to prepare for your next step.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons)

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Module Details

Core Modules
Interpretations (15 credits)
Critical Issues (15 credits)
Arts Management and Cultural Leadership (30 credits)

Choose one from the two available dissertation modules:
Dissertation for the MA in Art Gallery and Museum Studies (60 credits)
MA Practice-led Dissertation (60 credits)
Optional modules
Choose two optional modules

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