Some of the most pressing business challenges can be solved by smartly-designed software. By studying advanced software methods and techniques, you’ll be in high demand across most major industries.
This MSc focuses on the methodologies and technologies that address the challenges that companies are facing for competing in the volatile markets of today. It looks at how to generate applications from high-level business models to reduce time-to-market and development costs and how to evolve legacy systems and promote business processes in an economy dominated by the need to offer and integrate, on demand, new services.
2:1 degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject with a substantial element of Computing.
Relevant work experience may also be considered.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.
There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.
All our postgraduate Informatics degrees are available 'with industry': stimulating your creativity and capacity to innovate, and ensuring that you acquire key transferable skills. These courses will allow you to develop into a highly skilled professional, well versed in advanced methods and tools. Colleagues from industry participate directly in the delivery of some of the modules, including hands-on tutorials that allow you to use some of the tools and methodologies that are shaping the software development landscape.
We have an open approach to collaboration with industry. We undertake joint projects, provide consultancy services, and organise events to connect you with potential employers. We also run an Industrial Advisory Board: its members are computer scientists who hold successful careers in industry and who help us ensure that your training is industrially relevant.
Semester 1
Core module
Option modules
Choose two option modules (or choose three if you are going to take Personal and Group Skills in Semester 2) from:
Semester 2
Core module
Option modules
Choose one option module (or choose two if you took Personal and Group Skills in Semester 1) from:
Industry Placement (optional)
Individual Project
The world never stops changing. Nor should you Powered by world-class research, the University of Leicester delivers research-inspired education acros...