
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Named Speciality)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 3 years

Course Description

Are you a registered nurse or healthcare professional with an aspiration to develop your career in Advanced Clinical Practice?
The MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (named speciality) provides a contemporary pathway to your career development. As a practitioner in the public domain of health and social care services, you are expected to be innovative, provide leadership and make an advanced contribution in your professional clinical role.
The philosophy of this course is to use a professional work approach integrated with an understanding of practical application to create a high employability focus and impact on your practice. At all stages, you will be encouraged to take an independent self-learning approach to developing a deep knowledge of your subject area. 

There are five ‘core’ named specialities available which align to the Transforming Roles, Clinical Core Competencies (Phase 2 Paper): 

  • Acute Care
  • Paediatric
  • Neonatal
  • Primary & Community Care
  • Mental Health

In order to achieve all clinical competencies and speciality skills for this qualification, you will need to have a clinical supervisor and be employed by a UK healthcare organisation.

Typical entry point to this course is in January. Please enquire for more information.

Entry Requirements

This course is designed for qualified health and/or social care practitioners. To be considered for this course, you must have successfully completed at least one of the following:

  • A Bachelor degree and other qualifications or experience, which demonstrates that you have appropriate knowledge and skills at SCQF level 10 e.g. a Clinical Decision Making Module or;
  • Two taught modules equivalent to 40 credits at SCQF level 11 as a student of the University through our Affiliate student scheme.

For Advanced Practice (Midwifery), please note that you must have an appropriate midwifery/obstetric nurse qualification with supporting evidence.

In addition, applicants are also required to have:

  • Employer approval to study for a clinical qualification in Advanced Practice. It should be recognised that this course requires the development of clinical assessment skills, case management and prescribing (where appropriate).
  • An experienced supervisor who has agreed to oversee the development of practice based competence and learning. This supervisor must have extensive knowledge and skills aligned to the field of speciality the practitioner will be working in. This person(s) must be an Advanced Practitioner and/or Medical Practitioner ST3 or above and/or Consultant and/or GP. The practice supervisor must be able to commit to two sessions per month of supervision. 

The University does not sponsor students to study on part-time programmes in the UK under the Student Visa route. International Applicants must therefore have other valid immigration leave to study on this programme.

If you want to get more information on the admission process, please get in touch with the Postgraduate admissions team by submitting an enquiry form.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Please see our website for funding opportunities

Student Destinations

Graduates from this course can find opportunities in:

  • Nursing / Midwifery 
  • Critical Care
  • Primary Care
  • Children and Young People’s Health
  • Neonatal Health
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental Health

Module Details

This course is designed to be flexible and dynamic, allowing learning to be tailored to individual career aspirations. You will have the opportunity for inter-professional learning which can be contextualised to your health and/or care environment.

If you choose not to complete the full master’s degree, you can exit at various points during the course and achieve an award commensurate to the credits accrued.

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of the main features, boundaries, terminology and conventions associated with advanced clinical practice.
  • Apply and use a significant range of the principal professional skills, techniques and practices, which are at the forefront of advanced clinical practice.
  • Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis skills to explore and solve complex problems in advanced clinical practice.
  • Communicate, using appropriate methods, to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge in advanced clinical practice.
  • Demonstrate effective leadership and make an identifiable contribution to change and development in the context of advanced clinical practice.
  • Plan and execute a significant project of research, investigation or development to inform and enhance health and care practice.

What we offer:

  • Access to an experienced clinical academic teaching team, many of whom are qualified Advanced Practitioners and/or Medical Practitioners.
  • Access to specialist education in neonates, children and young people and mental health, adult acute care, and primary and community care health.
  • Excellent facilities with an award winning Simulation and Clinical Education suite.  Excellent Student Satisfaction – Top Modern University in Scotland for Research Impact (REF, 2021)
  • Excellent opportunities to network, access inter-professional education and share learning
  • A flexible course with opportunities to exit with an award that aligns to your speciality and service level needs, supported by a portfolio of practice learning.
  • Opportunity to acquire and develop many valuable transferrable intellectual, cognitive and practical skills for your role.

There are 4 distinct exit points from the program. Exit with a Certificate of Credit (40 credits), Postgraduate Certificate in Enhanced Practice (80 credits), Post-graduate Diploma in Advanced Clinical Practice (named speciality) (120 credits) and MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (named speciality) (180 credits). 

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