
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Actuarial Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: one year full-time, PgDip/PgCert: 9 months full-time. Also available up to 4 years part-time

Course Description

The programme is fully accredited by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Our MSc in Actuarial Management is an established and successful programme covering the more advanced actuarial subjects and offering exemptions from the syllabuses of the Core Application subjects CA1 and CA3 and Specialist Technical subjects ST2, ST4, ST5, ST6 and ST9 of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Entry Requirements

Entry requires a strong Bachelors or Masters degree with a substantial actuarial content and covering a sufficient number of the Core Technical subjects CT1 to CT8 of the professional actuarial examinations.

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Student Destinations

Taking our MSc in Actuarial Management is a great way to speed your progress to this most prestigious of careers – it’s designed to take you almost all of the way to qualification. A student who graduates with a full set of exemptions from Heriot-Watt (CT, CA and ST subjects) will only have three more examinations to pass, as well as gaining the necessary work experience, to qualify as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Module Details

In the taught element of the programme each student takes eight semester-long courses. These are linked in pairs, one per semester. One pair of courses – covering Actuarial Risk Management – is compulsory and corresponds to subject CA1. It applies the principles of actuarial mathematics to a wide range of financial and insurance settings. Students choose a minimum of two pairs of courses from a list including Life Office Management (subject ST2), Pensions (subject ST4), Investment and Finance (subject ST5), Derivatives (subject ST6) and Enterprise Risk Management (subject ST9).

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