Software Engineering is a well-established, central part of Computer Science, and concerned with the design and use of techniques to support humans to build software systems that are reliable, adaptable, usable, maintainable, despite the fact that they are usually developed by large groups of people with different ideas, conceptualisations, or working styles, and against a tight schedule and possibly conflicting or unclear requirements. The understanding and mastering of these techniques is essential both for people who are part of this group and for those managing such a group or project. The Software Engineering pathway covers both an overview of existing approaches to Software Engineering, and two particular approaches at the forefront of Software Engineering research and practice; Pattern-based and Component-based Software Development.
We require a First or strong Upper Second class honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science or in a joint degree with at least 50% Computer Science content. Applicants with extensive Computer Science industrial experience and a good honours degree in Computer Science, or its overseas equivalent, may also be considered for admission. We also require that all applicants have a strong background in Computer Science reflected, for example, in solid programming and software development skills.
The University of Manchester is a centre of teaching excellence, world-class research, outstanding student experience, and social responsibility. Part...