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Masters Degree Description

Semantic Technologies is a relatively new term that describes all areas concerned with using and developing software and methodologies for meaning-centred manipulation of information. The aim is to provide software and methodologies so that web resources, data in databases and raw data associated with programs can be processed and manipulated in a more intelligent way. Semantic technologies are increasingly being used in such varied applications as the semantic web, health care and biomedical domains, the life sciences, software/hardware industries and the automotive industry. The Semantic Technologies pathway combines themes such as ‘Data on the Web’ with ‘Ontology Engineering and Automated Reasoning’. These core offerings can be combined with any other theme. Good complementary themes are Data Engineering, Managing Data, Learning from Data, Security and Software Engineering.

Entry Requirements

We require a First or strong Upper Second class honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science or in a joint degree with at least 50% Computer Science content. Applicants with extensive Computer Science industrial experience and a good honours degree in Computer Science, or its overseas equivalent, may also be considered for admission. We also require that all applicants have a strong background in Computer Science reflected, for example, in solid programming and software development skills.

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